Wednesday 7 April 2010

So... the awards are officialy going to happen...

The top five in each category will be put up for votes. There will also be a Best Dressed award for which I will find a judge OUTSIDE of Virtual. It's also a judge that you will not know the username of until AFTER the awards so you can't cheat. =P

Nominations are closing on the 10th, so that's in 3 days.
The awards ceremony will take place in Virtual, and we will shoo off any trouble makers. Note I said trouble makers, and not new people or people we don't know. We just don't wanted trouble makers in there. And I think my Teddy Gun will scare them off anyways... >:]

Right-o, I think the Award Show should be on the 10th, at around 8pm (British time) so that would be around 3pm American time? I dunno, we had to work out times in different countries in Y3 once in Maths and it said American time is around 5 hours behind. I dunno. :3

Any comments, thoughts, or.... anything?


  1. at 3 pm american time im at school, can u do 10 or 11 in british time please?

  2. Quite a lot of people would be asleep then. I wouldn't be, but err... aren't you still having holidays then? It's next Thursday.

    OMG it's next Thursday! XD

  3. holidays? those ended last week, for me at least. But maybe I will be avalibe at 4:30ish.... sound good?

  4. Yeah! It's good! I was being stupid for a second. XD

    I'm still on holidays til' the 18th. WOO HOO!
